Tuesday 6 June 2017

LO5: Changes to the draft work and improvments

The first change that Sam made the text to the introduction clip. He did this because Cal's voice is quite deep on the audio, and as it is a fast cut the audience might not be able to understand the words just from the audio. We also re-recorded the audio as the first take sounded too grainy and unprofessional. I added new sound effects such as the dramatic sound after each word in the introduction, Cal striking the ball, the ball hitting the back of the net and the light switch at the very end. I created an echo when Cal says "...and this is my story", this was to give the trailer a dramatic effect.

LO5: Draft work/offline edit

Here are the drafts for the trailer we created.

We changed the orginal draft because we thought it didn't resemble the feeling of a trailer.

These are the offline edits developed for the documentary.

LO5: Footage used to create the trailer

LO5: Evidence of using Premiere

We made it an essential to change the colour of the recorded scenes in order for the footage to match perfectly. Without manipulating the colour of the clips me and my group obtained you can see that the scenes looked quite plain and boring. However with a bit more orange added to the clips you can see that the clips have a bit more life added to them as if the sun was out.

LO4: Presentation

LO3: Mindmap Of Ideas

LO3: Risk Assessment