Tuesday 6 June 2017

LO2: Be able to plan an advertising campaign that includes audio-visual advertisments

Aims and objectives 

The aim and objectives that are intended for this trailer for 'Cal Sugden A Football Journey' is to advertise the documentary that will hopefully generate spectacle when watching and hopefully generate interest among our target audience. This documentary is aimed at people between the ages of 12 and 20. And our primary message that we're trying to get out to our target audience is who Cal is and what football means to him, hopefully inspiring people to follow down the same path. People featured in this trailer will be Cal, with a few of his friends too. Various locations will be used within this documentary, such as parks, the football pitches and his family home. The trailer will be released to YouTube, due tot ht efact that we will be able to attract a mass audience through YouTube, and it can also be scheduled for a release date.

Campaign Schedule

This project will run from October 2016 to April 2017. In order to create spectacle we will be releasing promotion material sowhere around Spring 2017. This is because the weathering will be a lot better and would encourage people to come out to play football and film more. A poster will be the form of print-based media that the public will see. However the audio visual will be presented on YouTube.

Gantt Chart

Relevant legal/ethical issues

In creating print based media it is essential to make sure you're in the clear first within the legal and ethical department before you can take any pictures of your models. It is essential that we produce a relase and concent form in order to actually be able to take pictures of our model legally, and also if we are using private property we need to amke sure that we have premission from the property owner before we actually shoot. sticking to ASA regulations is also important in order for the poster to actually be deemed as suitable for public veiwing.

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