Tuesday 6 June 2017

LO5: Changes to the draft work and improvments

The first change that Sam made the text to the introduction clip. He did this because Cal's voice is quite deep on the audio, and as it is a fast cut the audience might not be able to understand the words just from the audio. We also re-recorded the audio as the first take sounded too grainy and unprofessional. I added new sound effects such as the dramatic sound after each word in the introduction, Cal striking the ball, the ball hitting the back of the net and the light switch at the very end. I created an echo when Cal says "...and this is my story", this was to give the trailer a dramatic effect.

LO5: Draft work/offline edit

Here are the drafts for the trailer we created.

We changed the orginal draft because we thought it didn't resemble the feeling of a trailer.

These are the offline edits developed for the documentary.

LO5: Footage used to create the trailer

LO5: Evidence of using Premiere

We made it an essential to change the colour of the recorded scenes in order for the footage to match perfectly. Without manipulating the colour of the clips me and my group obtained you can see that the scenes looked quite plain and boring. However with a bit more orange added to the clips you can see that the clips have a bit more life added to them as if the sun was out.

LO4: Presentation

LO3: Mindmap Of Ideas

LO3: Risk Assessment

LO3: Recce's

LO3: Treatment

We have been asked to make a short film, between five and twenty minutes long. 
The idea is to base the documentary on a friend of Sam’s, Cal Sugden. Cal has been playing football for well over 10 years and had gone from playing in his local park to playing semi-pro and running a successful football YouTube channel. What we’d like to create is a story of Cal’s life and how he got to where he is today in his footballing career.
The target audience for this documentary would be males aged between 12 and 20 of all ethnicities who are interested in football. This is so that the younger boys can look and see what it takes to become a successful footballer and the older guys could learn from the documentary and use it as motivation to push them further in their sport. The documentary would appeal to the B, C1 and C2 audiences on the ABC1 scale. This is because Cal has a middle to low class background and the viewers of these sections would be able to relate to his story.
1.     Planning – Treatment, Storyboards, Organise days to film. (9th September – 23rd October).
2.     Filming – (24th October – 19th November).
3.     Editing – (20th November – 16th December).
4.     Launch date – (Friday 16th December).
Camera (Panasonic Lumix FZ1000 + Canon 650D) – To film the documentary.
Microphone – So the audio will be a lot crisper and clear.
Camera Slider – So we are able to capture shots in a smooth and steady, visually pleasing motion.
Tripod – So the camera will remain steady when we are filming cut away shots.
Cal Sugden
Other football friends
Recce forms will be completed of all locations to give an idea of how safe the area is.
Risk assessment will be completed for the locations, which are more dangerous to film in, such as the underground tunnel and the woods. They are important because they outline what to be cautious of when filming.
Copyright is a legal means of protecting an author’s work. We will be needing the copyright permission to use Cal’s videos from his YouTube in the documentary.(https://www.techterms.com/definition/copyright).

Some of the public spaces we are planning on filming in are Endcliffe Park, an underground tunnel in Millhouses and Goodwin Sports Pitches. We will have to be careful of other people when filming so we don’t show them in the documentary.
To get permission from the actors we will have to get them to sign release and consent forms. This is so we have permission to use their faces in the documentary. 
If the weather is poor when we are planning to film some of the shots then we will reschedule.
If Cal becomes injured or unwell we will film certain scenes and shots first instead of others.

If we can’t get permission for certain locations we will find different locations.

LO3: Gantt Chart

LO3: Script

LO3: Production Plan

LO3: Production Schedual

LO3: Storyboards

LO2: Be able to plan an advertising campaign that includes audio-visual advertisments

Aims and objectives 

The aim and objectives that are intended for this trailer for 'Cal Sugden A Football Journey' is to advertise the documentary that will hopefully generate spectacle when watching and hopefully generate interest among our target audience. This documentary is aimed at people between the ages of 12 and 20. And our primary message that we're trying to get out to our target audience is who Cal is and what football means to him, hopefully inspiring people to follow down the same path. People featured in this trailer will be Cal, with a few of his friends too. Various locations will be used within this documentary, such as parks, the football pitches and his family home. The trailer will be released to YouTube, due tot ht efact that we will be able to attract a mass audience through YouTube, and it can also be scheduled for a release date.

Campaign Schedule

This project will run from October 2016 to April 2017. In order to create spectacle we will be releasing promotion material sowhere around Spring 2017. This is because the weathering will be a lot better and would encourage people to come out to play football and film more. A poster will be the form of print-based media that the public will see. However the audio visual will be presented on YouTube.

Gantt Chart

Relevant legal/ethical issues

In creating print based media it is essential to make sure you're in the clear first within the legal and ethical department before you can take any pictures of your models. It is essential that we produce a relase and concent form in order to actually be able to take pictures of our model legally, and also if we are using private property we need to amke sure that we have premission from the property owner before we actually shoot. sticking to ASA regulations is also important in order for the poster to actually be deemed as suitable for public veiwing.


The target audience that the Space Jam trailer is aimed at families within the ABC1 category on the demographic scale, this is usually the section of the demographic scale which have quite a lot of disposable income. This film is for children from the ages of 5 and upwards that are interested in sports and like to watch cartoons. The Space Jam trailer is used to create spectacle among the younger target audience by using family friendly characters that have been around for years, therefore giving the older viewers familiarity.

Space Jams trailer contains popular celebrities at the time such as Michael Jordan, this character would've gained the attention of the older audience members that probably would've went to watch the film with their children, therefore creating a bigger crowd to the film. What I like about this film tailer is how they incorporated a star such as Michael Jordan in order to potentially create an ideal self for the viewers in order to inspire the audience to play sports, I would like to try and do this when creating my trailer for my sports documentary. Hopefully If I am able to incorporate a style such as this within my documentary I will be able to gain more attention from my target audience by allowing them to see their ideal self through the actor we have selected.

This trailer was distributed on TV at the time, this is because the internet wasn't was popular in the 90s as it is today, although it is still available on YouTube too.

We will begin our filming for the trailer  around October, this is also the time we will be filming the actual documentary. By doing it this way we will be able to produce a similar trailer to this films trailer incorporating sporting elements within the trailer to create spectacle and gain the attention of the audience we are trying to attract.

When looking at the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) guidelines from their website, I can see that the trailer used for Space Jam has ensured to keep to these guidelines. However when it comes to me and my production crew producing a suitable visual advertisement scheme for our young viewers, we will have to ensure that we follow these rules and guidelines when creating the trailer for my younger viewers:

  • 05 Children


  • 5.3
  • Advertisements must not condone or encourage practices that are detrimental to children’s health.

  • 5.4
  • Advertisements must not condone or encourage bullying.

  • 5.5
  • Advertisements must not portray or represent children in a sexual way.

  • 5.6
  • Advertisements must not imply that children are likely to be ridiculed, inferior to others, less popular, disloyal or have let someone down if they or their family do not use a product or service.

  • 5.7
  • Advertisements must not take advantage of children’s inexperience, credulity or sense of loyalty. Advertisements for products or services of interest to children must not be likely to mislead; for example, by exaggerating the features of a product or service in a way that could lead to children having unrealistic expectations of that product or service.

  • 5.8
  • Child actors may feature in advertisements but care must be taken to ensure that those advertisements neither mislead nor exploit children’s inexperience, credulity or sense of loyalty.

  • 5.9
  • Advertisements must not include a direct exhortation to children to buy or hire a product or service or to persuade their parents, guardians or other persons to buy or hire a product or service for them.

04 Harm and Offence


  • 4.1 
  • Advertisements must contain nothing that could cause physical, mental, moral or social harm to persons under the age of 18.

  • 4.2 
  • Advertisements must not cause serious or widespread offence against generally accepted moral, social or cultural standards.

  • 4.3 
  • Advertisements must not exploit the special trust that persons under the age of 18 place in parents, guardians, teachers or other persons.

  • 4.4 
  • Advertisements must not include material that is likely to condone or encourage behaviour that prejudices health or safety.
Warner Brothers would've put copyright on their Space Jam project, in order to prevent people form stealing or claiming their products. This is done to protect assets and claim ownership among certain things which the organisation has developed. In order to prevent the illegal use of using these assets you would have to use a release and content form in order to gain written permission to use certain assets which belong to another organisation.


When looking at the products produced for the Space Jams advertising campaign for their film you can see that visuals have been used in order to create spectacle, this is done through using a well known celebrity such as Michael Jordan who back then had a celebrity status through the roof. This would've gained the attention of the people that Warner Brothers would've set as their target audience.

For the documentary I will be making I ago going to try and incorporate this style of digital graphics on my poster, I do not have a person with the same stature as Michael Jordan however I will be using my actor for the advertisement campaign section rather than using illustrations. This is due to the fact that I believe the target audience will be able to connect more if they have a real person on the front campaign.

Space Jam is a sports animation film produced by Warner Brothers designed for the target audience of families with young children that are interested in sport and cartoons, these people are probably seen on the ABC1 section within the demographic scale, this is due to them having quite a bit of disposable income so they're able to afford the luxuries in life. The certificate rating for this film is PG, this would mean that parents would have to accompany their children in order for them to watch this film.

When it comes to the target audience for my groups documentary we are aiming it at children from the ages of 14+, in order to inspire and inform the viewers of the road Cal has had to travel in order to make it to Semi-professional football. In terms of the demographic of our documentary, it will be aimed at people within the ACB1 demographic due to the fact that the people within this demographic will have more disposable income, therefore will be able to afford products with relevant use to football rather than people who do not fit within the category on the demographic.

The objective that Warner Brothers set for this advertisement campaign is to promote the release of their new film. This is done through using iconic characters such as the Looney Tunes who during that time were quite an iconic and family familiar cartoon show. We may not be able to create spectacle using iconic characters such as the looney Tunes, although we will try and capture spectacle in a different way through possibly.

In terms of the campaign schedule, my group will begin our planning in terms of the documentary July 20th. This is where we will be discussing concepts and ideas on what type of documentary we will be creating within the sporting genre. It should roughly take around 2 months to sort out all the planning for the production, along with the legal and ethical side of making this documentary. This should take us into September where we have to sort out all of the equipment section of pre production.

When looking at the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) guidelines from their website, I can see that the poster used for Space Jam has ensured to keep to these guidelines. However when it comes to me and my production crew producing a suitable visual advertisement scheme for our young viewers, we will have to ensure that we follow these rules and guidelines when creating the poster for my younger viewers:

  • 05 Children



  • Marketing communications addressed to, targeted directly at or featuring children must contain nothing that is likely to result in their physical, mental or moral harm:

  • children must not be encouraged to enter strange places or talk to strangers

  • children must not be shown in hazardous situations or behaving dangerously except to promote safety. Children must not be shown unattended in street scenes unless they are old enough to take responsibility for their own safety.

  • Pedestrians and cyclists must be seen to observe the Highway Code

  • children must not be shown using or in close proximity to dangerous substances or equipment without direct adult supervision

  • children must not be encouraged to copy practices that might be unsafe for a child

  • distance selling marketers must take care when using youth media not to promote products that are unsuitable for children.

  • Promotions addressed to or targeted directly at children:

  • Must make clear that adult permission is required if a prize or an incentive might cause conflict between a child’s desire and a parent’s, or other adult’s, authority

  • Must contain a prominent closing date if applicable.

  •  Must not exaggerate the value of a prize or the chances of winning it.

  • Promotions that require a purchase to participate and include a direct exhortation to make a purchase must not be addressed to or targeted at children. See Section 8: Sales Promotions.

Another thing I will have to ensure when creating my print based advertisement product is that I have full permission from any creators if I was to use their images within my print based advertisement scheme. This is done to prevent me from breaking any copyright laws and will give me the creators full permission to use the images in any way I want. I will also need release and content forms for my models within the shoot, this also ensures that I am protected legally in terms of being able to use a person in a shoot without getting fined or prosecuted.